Proposal: Implementation of H.261 video codec with control signaling
H.225 and H.245 between two terminals.
Description: We are attempting to implement a teleconferencing scheme
using the H.261 standard for video encoding and
decoding and using portions of the H.225 & H.245 signaling and
control standard for providing signaling and control services
over a TCP/IP based network.
Feng Guo, Ratish Punnoose
By Midterm:
Complete the H.261 encoder and decoder using input from a movie
file and output to screen to verify working. A demo will be shown.
Study H.225 and H.245 and select the parts needed for the project.
For Final Project
A H.261 implementation with motion compensation and interaction
with the signaling standard. An basic implementation of the portions
of H.225 and H.245 control and signaling protocols finished for
real-time video conferencing between two terminals.
If time avaliable and video camera for unix system can be found, a
"real" real-time demo will be submitted; otherwise, a real-time
simulation will be demoed.