During this whole project I have been experimenting with RTP and RTCP protocols,which provide mechanism for real-time transmission and control.
What I have accomplished are:
1. Setting up RTP and RTCP sockets for both senders and receivers, so theoretically this system could be used on full-duplex transmission system. I experimented this connection across the campus network for real-time stereo recorded image and it worked well.
2. Experiementing with the algorithms for detecting the network traffic statistics, includeing Pakcet lost rate and Estimation of interarrival Jitter by dealing with Sequence Number when it wraps around, arrival and sending timers and other parameters. The packet loss rate is used to provide feedback for the sender to adjust its quantization step size.
Detail: The RTCP traffic is an out-of-band control traffic relative to RTP in-band data transmission, which means I need to schedule the event to happen in the righ time. Currently in my stressing experiment, I used 1-RTCP-packet/5seconds steady timer to trigger the sending of RTCP packet, which is the minimal interval defined.