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project [2012/09/14 19:29]
hanbiny created
project [2014/09/02 03:31] (current)
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 =====Project Statement and Ideas===== =====Project Statement and Ideas=====
-The project statement and list of ideas are here: {{742-project-statement-and-topics-Fall12_web.pdf|pdf}}+The project statement and list of project ideas are here: {{742-project-statement-and-topics-Fall12_web.pdf|pdf}}
 Feel free to do further reading on available topics, especially in the proceedings of the top computer architecture conferences. Feel free to do further reading on available topics, especially in the proceedings of the top computer architecture conferences.
 +=====Looking for a Project Partner?=====
 +If you are looking for a project partner, please post your ad along with your contact information below (students may register/login to this wiki and edit this section). If particular topics interest you, make sure to mention them.
 +^ Name ^ E-mail ^ Project Interests ^
 +| (Example) John Doe | john_doe@andrew.cmu.edu | Topics A and B. |