18-642 Project 11

Updated 11/21/2021. Changelog

Learning objectives: implement more monitors in a style similar to safety monitors used in life critical systems; confront race conditions and asynchrony in distributed systems.

Lab Files:

Hints/Helpful Links:


  1. Write monitors for the rest of the invariants. Refer to the previous project for reminders on how to write and compile these monitors. It might be helpful to factor out some functionality in a utility file, such as ANDREWID_monitor_utils.cpp. You should also use the structured types defined in $ECE642RTLE_DIR/monitors/monitor_inteface.h. You are required to write the following monitors:
  2. Try out the Project 11 maze files (see link in lab files above). Notes:
  3. Updated the build package similar to the one for previous projects, meeting the following requirements:
  4. Writeup: Include the following in a writeup:

Handin checklist:

Hand in the following:

  1. A release candidate build file: ANDREWID_P11.tgz
  2. Your writeup, which should be in a single acrobat file called p11_writeup_[FamilyName]_[GivenName]_[AndrewID].pdf

Other requirements:

Zip the files and submit them as P11_[Family name]_[First name]_[Andrew ID].zip.

The rubric for the project is found here.

