18-642 Project 6

Updated 6/9/2024. Changelog

Learning objective: Work at the requirements & design level instead of the code level for making changes to a system.

This project gives you new maze files to solve. These files are not solvable by the left hand or right hand rule. The objective of this project is to do a redesign to solve arbitrary mazes that will not necessarily work using the left-hand and right-hand rules.

The learning objective for this project is to do high level design only WITHOUT contemplating detailed design and WITHOUT contemplating implementation.
Do NOT update statecharts until AFTER this project has been handed in. The point is to "think in requirements" and then "think in sequence diagrams."
Do not update your code.
Do Not Update Your Code.

Lab Files:

Hints/Helpful Links:


  1. Run your turtle with the new maze files:
    1. Copy p06_mazes.tar.gz over to your virtual machine and extract the mazes into $ECE642RTLE_DIR.
    2. As in Project 5, you can run the turtle with the new mazes using the command ./build_run_turtle.sh [mazefile].
    3. Watch your turtle attempt each maze. Your old turtle design is not expected to solve these mazes. By the end of the course, your turtle will need to solve all of them.
    4. Think about why these mazes aren't solvable using your current turtle robot.
  2. DO NOT UPDATE YOUR CODE until after you complete statecharts in the NEXT project. Do not even look at your code.
  3. Solution Strategy: Come up with a strategy so that your turtle solves the new mazes.
  4. DO NOT UPDATE YOUR CODE until after you complete statecharts in the NEXT project. Do not even look at your code.
  5. High level requirements: write high level requirements to describe your algorithm. These should be functional requirements from the software point of view (i.e., high level software requirements).They should not refer to internal state variables. As an example, requirements for the Project 2 left-hand rule could be:
  6. Make sure your requirements use should/shall language and are numbered. If there is a particular maze following algorithm you are using it is OK to have a "compute subroutine" with some reasonable name that gets called, so you do not need to spell out each part of the algorithm if, for example, there is a complicated optimal tree search algorithm across an internal data structure. HOWEVER, each turtle movement shall be explicitly represented in the requirements, and ideally should indicate the basic logic being used to make the decision. There is some room for interpretation here, but the following examples should be helpful in providing guidance:
    1. OK: If square ahead is empty but MazeCompute() indicates this is an undesirable move the turtle shall turn right.
      Comment: This uses an algorithm to prioritize movements or override naive locally-based turtle movements
    2. Not OK: If MazeCompute() says turn right the turtle shall turn right.
      Comment: This makes the movement behavior completely opaque, and negates the point of actually having design information. You'll get no benefit at all from having a design review of this type of requirement.
    3. Better: If square ahead has a higher MazeCompute() score than the MazeCompute() score of the square to the right, the turtle shall turn right.
      Comment: This uses an algorithm to prioritize movements or override naive locally-based turtle movements
  7. DO NOT UPDATE YOUR CODE until after you complete statecharts in the NEXT project. Do not even look at your code.
  8. Sequence Diagrams: Create a set of sequence diagrams for your turtle. Create as many as you think you need to describe the behaviors in your algorithm.We do NOT want source code or native files for the sequence diagrams; just legible images (be careful of tiny font sizes that are illegible). Depending upon your turtle design, you might find the following hints helpful, but ultimately do what you think makes sense:
    1. Follow the Sequence Diagram style requirements listed below on this page.
    2. Some sequence diagrams might be only part of the total action taken to ultimately move the turtle between squares. It is OK to have to execute multiple sequence diagrams to handle a particular geometric situation. Often it is a good strategy to make small building block sequence diagrams to avoid a combinatorial explosion of complex long sequence diagrams.
    3. Having a different set of sequence diagrams for each starting orientation of the turtle is probably a bad idea; make them more generic (e.g., relative turtle position, not absolute turtle position)
    4. Have enough preconditions for each sequence diagram so it is unambiguous which sequence diagram should be executed next for any given turtle situation
    5. Start with a fairly small set of sequence diagrams for basic situations and only add a new sequence diagram if you encounter a hole in requirements or design that needs to be filled. Don't go crazy with huge numbers of sequence diagrams up front.
    6. Number each sequence diagram for traceability (e.g., SD-1, SD-2). Number each arc on each sequence diagram as well to make it easy in a review to say which arc is being talked about (e.g., arc #3 in SD-4 is simply SD-4.3)
    7. Do NOT use "Alternate," "optional," or "if/else" structures in your sequence diagrams.
  9. SD to Reqs Traceability: Create a traceability table between the sequence diagrams and the requirements. The rows of this table shall be the SDs, and the columns shall be the requirements. We recommend you give each arc in each SD a row, but if you want one row to be then entirety of an SD that's OK too. (You'll find that for small SDs it doesn't matter much, but for large SDs you'll want multiple rows per SD.) This will result in ONE SD-to-requirements traceablity table for your whole project. You should have complete traceability here. (No empty rows, no empty columns.) If you think there is a compelling reason for an empty row or column then use a comment to explain why you think this is OK (these should be only a few special cases, if any).
    R1 R2 ..
    SD1 x
  10. Iterate: It will be no surprise if you find disparities between your SD and your requirements. Iterate until the Requirements and Sequence Diagrams are both talking about the same algorithm, and your traceability table is fully populated (with no blank rows; no blank columns).
  11. DO NOT UPDATE YOUR CODE until after you complete statecharts in the NEXT project. Do not even look at your code.
  12. Questions: Answer the following questions in a writeup:

Handin checklist:

  1. Your writeup, named p06_writeup_[FAMILYNAME_[GivenName]_[AndrewID].pdf.
  2. We want a SINGLE acrobat file, not a shower of small files that the TAs have to go through individually.
  3. There is no code hand-in this week.

The rubric for the project is found here.

Sequence Diagram Style requirements:
