The learning objective is to give you some exposure to real-world software process definitions and reflect upon how they correspond to the processes in the Vee model.
Use the slide format for your handin you've already seen, including putting your name and Andrew ID on each slide. All homeworks and group assignments for the course use that format unless explicitly stated otherwise. If you don't use that format, expect to have to re-do the hand-in.
Note: hand all assignments in on Canvas. Use file name: HW03_FAMILYNAME_FirstName_AndrewID.ppt for hand in. Also acceptable: pptx and .pdf file extensions depending upon file type. Please do NOT zip, tar or otherwise encapsulate the file unless the homework specifically asks for that. Use the same file naming system (with different HW numbers) for other homework hand-ins. These hand-in rules apply to ALL homeworks this semester (single slide file for each homework) even if we don't repeat this requirement explicitly.
For this homework you should have one slide per question (one slide for 3-1, a second slide for 3-2, both in one file).
3-1:Pick your favorite Agile software methodology. (If you don't have a favorite, pick one at random from this list: XP, Scrum, AUP/RUP, RAD, Iconix). If you need some brush-up on this topic the Wikipedia entry is not a bad starting point: Your answer must be all on one slide as follows:
3-2: For the same Agile software methodology you identified in the previous question, draw a software process chart using the conventions that the lecture used to describe the Vee model. In other words, draw a picture for that agile methodology using boxes and arrows, even if the reference drawing didn't do that. This means that:
Rubric: (check-off assignment)
Supplemental Material: