Be sure to look at the Canvas Module for this week for various hand-in mechanisms!

There are TWO DIFFERENT homework hand-ins on Canvas for this assignment. One for the slide, and a different hand-in for the video. Please submit BOTH homeworks (one slide, and the video you've recorded using that slide).


  • If you submit more than once the submission system might alter your file name (e.g., by adding a "-2" suffix). Since this is beyond your control you can disregard this, and we will not deduct points on the rubric for this. This advice applies to all hand-ins for the course.

  • Failure Stories Slide

    Note: hand all assignments in on Canvas. Use file name: HWxx_Topicxx_FAMILYNAME_FirstName_AndrewID.ppt for slide hand in. Also acceptable: pptx and .pdf file extensions depending upon file type. Same name with .mp4 for video. Please do NOT zip, tar or otherwise encapsulate the file unless the homework specifically asks for that. Use the same file naming system (with different HW numbers) for other homework hand-ins, although for most homeworks the "_Topicxx" can be omitted in other homeworks when there are no alternate topics assigned.

    (Be sure to list citations for references you use as a source for answers. If multiple references say the same thing, you need to only give 1 of them as a source.)

    Part 1: On one slide, summarize a system safety story according to the assignment below. You can find a starting point for each story here: Make sure that your entire answer to this question fits on one slide with minimum font sizes as required in HW #1 (bigger fonts are better). It is much better to use phrases and not full sentences to avoid too many words crowded onto the slide.

    Topic assignments are per below, based on your assigned topic number (see above).

    1. 1814: London Beer Flood
    2. 1889: Johnstown Flood
    3. 1912: RMS Titanic
    4. 1919: Great Molasses Flood
    5. 1937: Hindenburg
    6. 1957: Windscale Fire
    7. 1959: Minamata Disease
    8. 1963: USS Thresher (SSN-593)
    9. 1972: DC10 Cargo Door (AA Flight 96)
    10. 1979: Three Mile Island
    11. 1980: Damascus Titan missile explosion
    12. 1981: Ford Pinto
    13. 1981: Kansas City Hotel Walkway Collapse
    14. 1982: Speedbird BA Flight 9
    15. 1983: Gimli Glider
    16. 1984: Bhopal
    17. 1986: Chernobyl
    18. 1987: Therac 25
    19. 1988: Piper Alpha
    20. 1991: Lauda Air Flight 004
    21. 2003: Columbia Space Shuttle
    22. 2004: Spirit Mars Rover file system
    23. 2006: Nimrod MR2
    24. 2009: Air France Flight 447
    25. 2010: Deepwater Horizon
    26. 2011: Fukushima Daiichi
    27. 2011: Wenzhou train crash
    28. 2013: Takata airbags
    29. 2014: Flint MI Water Crisis
    30. 2014: GM ignition switch recall
    31. 2015: VW emissions scandal
    32. 2017: USS John S McCain
    33. 2018: Uber ATG testing fatality
    34. 2019: Boeing 737 Max crashes
    35. 2021: Horizon IT Scandal
    36. 2022: Fern Hollow Bridge Collapse (be sure to note the location is close to CMU)
    37. 2023: Oceangate Titan submersible
    38. 2024: Baltimore Key Bridge collapse

    (A number of notable mishaps are missing from the assigned list because they will be covered in lectures with enough detail that there is no point doing them twice.)

    Part 2: Record an approximately 90 second video that talks about your slide according to the following requirements:

    Rubric (all elements must be met for check-off):

    Part 1: upload the slide itself to the "slide" Canvas homework assignment.

    Part 2: upload the recorded video to the "video" Canvas homework assignment.