Group Exercise #9: Requirements

Consider a digital alarm clock. This is a cheap, minimalist alarm clock with ONLY the inputs, outputs, and internal values indicated. The goal is to create a set of requirements for this simple alarm clock.

FAIR WARNING: you will be building upon this design later, so take the time to do it right, and make sure you save your answer in a place you can access it later when you need it. Be sure to use the defined terms below in your responses:

The alarm design has to account for at least the following use cases:

7-1: Create a list of HIGH LEVEL PRODUCT requirements for the alarm clock. This are user-facing functions that the alarm clock must perform to be an alarm clock. Use the identified use cases above as reminder list. (Usually the high level requirements come first, but we wanted to fix the use cases for this exercise to prevent too much random dispersion of student work.) For each high level requirement, state which use cases it covers. Make sure each use case is covered by at least one requirement. An example that you can use as a starting point is: "PR-1. Clock shall display correct time of day when not performing other functions. (U-1, U-2)"

Here are some attributes of High Level Product requirements:


Supplemental Reading: