Team 14: TableTanks

Charles Chong

Charles Chong

Kevin Lau

Kevin Lau

Jenn Lee

Jenn Lee

Ray Cao

Ray Cao


This project takes the a traditional touch screen table and adds the ability for the table to communicate with objects on the surface of the table. Our prototype uses a Microsoft Kinect to determine the location of a metal car and gather touch input on the table surface and directs the metal car to move based on these inputs.


Most current touch-screen tables do not offer the ability to communicate with objects on the surface of the table. Our touch screen table will provide the ability to communicate with objects on the surface of the touch screen table, an ability that can be applied to various use cases.

The few touch-screen tables that do offer the ability to communicate with objects on the surface of the table are prohibitively expensive, costing thousands of dollars. Our prototype was created using less than $750 of materials.


Lenovo IdeaCentre Horizion
Lenovo IdeaCentre Horizon ($1499) - Link

The Lenovo IdeaCentre Horizon is a desktop computer with a large touch display, and is meant to allow multiple people to collaborate while using the product. However, this product is more expensive than our prototype and our prototype has the capability to interact with objects on the surface of the table.

Microsoft Pixel Sense
Microsoft Pixel Sense ($8400) - Link

The Microsoft PixelSense is a desktop computer with the capability to use both touch and real-world objects from multiple users to provide input. However, this product is significantly more expensive than our prototype.

Tech Specs

Architecture Diagram
  • BeagleBoard xM - Vendor
  • Arduino Uno R3 - Vendor
  • BenQ MS616ST Short Throw SVGA Home Theater Projector with HDMI - Vendor
  • Adafruit Flora Color Sensor - Vendor
  • Dual-Axle 130 Electronic Motor 3V 0.3A - Vendor


Type Requirement Test Results
Functional When a user touches the surface of the table, the table is able to determine the coordinates where the user touched the table. PASS
Functional When the cart is placed on the surface of the table, the table is able to determine the coordinates where the cart is touching the table. PASS
Functional The table is able to react to game state changes by changing the projected table display. PASS
Functional When the "move" color is shone on the cart's color sensor, the cart begins moving forward. PASS
Reliability When a user touches the surface of the table, the table is able to determine the coordinates where the user touched at least 90% of the time. FAIL
Reliability When the cart is placed on the surface of the table, teh table is able to determine the coordinates where the cart is touching the table at least 90% of the time. FAIL
Reliability When the "move" color is shone on the cart's color sensor, the cart begins moving forward at least 90% of the time. FAIL
Timing When a user touches the surface of the table, the table is able to determine the coordinates where the user touched with less than 1 second of delay. FAIL
Timing When the cart is placed on the surface of the table, teh table is able to determine the coordinates where the cart is touching the table with less than 1 second of delay. FAIL
Timing When the "move" color is shone on the cart's color sensor, the cart begins moving forward with less than 1 second of delay. FAIL


Risks Mitigation
Touchscreen is unresponsive Use keyboard and mouse input instead of touchscreen
Unable to establish wireless communication with cart Establish wired communication with cart
Glass surface causes projection to display poorly Apply a semi-transparent film to the glass surface to increase projection visibility
Unable to locate the cart using computer vision Utilize QR codes to locate the cart
Moving robot on the table surface is too expensive Find alternative form of physical feedback that the table can provide
