TEAM 9: SymphonicHarmonics
Spring 2011
- Neereja Sundaresan (nsundare)
- Surekha Muralidharan (surekham)
- Vikram Rajkumar(vrajkuma)
- Wayne Chiang (wchiang)
This project aims to create a portable, flexible, and easy to use musical keyboard that lets users play sounds from
many different instruments. In addition, users should be able to save compositions and play them back when desired. The prototype integrates common embedded components such as an Arduino
prototyping board, tactile switches, and a Bluetooth modem, along with using an Android
phone to play and record music.
Many different musical synthesizers and keyboards offer a fun and educational musical experience
to both amateurs and experts, but most such devices are often heavy and cumbersome,
very limited in functionaliy, or lacking in an enjoyable user interface. This project
aims to provide a portable, extensible, and easy to use musical experience that will
integrate with your existing smartphone for recording and playback functionality.
- Yamaha Keyboards

Yamaha Keyboards are popular music synthesizers that allow users to play a wide range
of instruments along with using different recording and playback options. In
comparison, our product is simple, portable, and works with your smartphone.
- Roll-able piano keyboards

Roll-able piano keyboards are a class of simple keyboards which focus on mobility and
flexibility and allow users to synthesize a variety of instrument sounds. In
comparison, our product can be extended to support more instruments, provides more
tactile feedback, and interfaces with your smartphone for playback and
- Smartphone piano applications

Smartphone piano applications offer users a simple music composition experience
directly on their smartphones with decent sound quality and recording capabilities.
In comparison, our product provides tactile feedback and provides a larger,
easier-to-use interface.
- Lightweight and flexible design
- Shall provide at least 3 different types of musical instruments, with the
capability to add more
- Allow user to record and playback compositions
Click here for a photo of our hardware.
- Android Phone

- Arduino Mega 2560

- Tactile switches

- Bluetooth Mate Silver

- Java, Android SDK, Eclipse
- C, Arduino IDE
Click here to view the architecture diagram.
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