This project will provide students and teachers with an easily searchable record of each lecture. The "smart" classroom will integrate speech-to-text software, real-time mobile identification, and video feeds for a complete multimedia transcription of every lecture.
Some classes today are recorded, however a camera man needs to be physically present and students need to search through the entire lecture in order to find clarification on specific topics. Our system will automatically record the lecture to provide students with a clear video reord with subtitles of both the professor and the projected material.
Equips faculty with audio and visual tools such as overhead displays, video conferencing, internet and more. Our project on the other hand will keep a record of the lecture with annotated sections |
This Tele-Education product integrates voice-recognition, computer-vision, and other technologies to provide a tele-education experience similar to a real classroom experience. However, our project allows a searchable record of the lecture while providing features similar to the Tele-Education. |
There are a number of products from mimio that are supposed to bring teaching into the 21st century. They allow teachers to save what they've written on the whiteboard. Our project, however, lets students have a record of what was on the whiteboad along with the context of the lecture. |
Panopto provides a system that records lectures and incorporates slides as well. This is very similar to our project idea, however we will also provide a textual transcript of the lecture that students can search though. Our project will also allow further personalization from the professor with features that allow easy black-out and bookmarking. |
Logitech USB Desktop Microphone
Logitech QuickCam Orbit AF
Belkin USB 2.0 Plus Hub (4 Port)
KWorld Xpert DVD Maker USB 2.0
Function Requirements:
To be completed.
To be completed.
to be completed.
To be completed.
To be completed.
To be completed.
To be completed.
To be completed.
To be completed.
To be completed.