Personal Weekly Update | Zoe | 3/8 Accomplishments Over the past two weeks, I dedicated a significant amount of time to wrapping up major deliverables for our project. I spent **6 hours finalizing the design review slides, making sure they
Carolyn’s Status Report 3/8
Personal Weekly Update | Carolyn | 3/8 Accomplishments Design Report (10 hrs): Over the past 2 weeks, I spent a large chunk of my time on the design report – the abstract, intro, use case requirements, and all sections regarding
Zoe’s Status Report 2/22
Personal Weekly Update | Zoe | 2/22 Accomplishments This week, I spent 4 hours in mandatory lab time for peer reviewing and evaluating design presentations. It was useful to see what other teams were working on and get feedback to
Personal Weekly Update | Rita | 2/22
Personal Weekly Update | Rita | 2/22 Accomplishments Design Presentation Refinement and Research (6hrs): This was a bit of a lighter week, since my partner, Carolyn, was in charge of giving the Design presentation. Zoe and I spent the bulk
Carolyn’s Status Report 2/22
Personal Weekly Update | Carolyn | 2/22 Accomplishments Design Presentation Refinement and Research (6hrs): This week, I presented our Design Review, finalizing the presentation on Sunday by refining the quantitative design requirements, software specifications, and testing. I also spent time
Carolyn’s Status Report 2/15
Personal Weekly Update | Carolyn | 2/15 Accomplishments Design Presentation Refinement and Research (7hrs): This week I spent time refining and designing our presentation, ensuring it aligned with the provided guidelines and was well-supported by research, particularly on the software
Zoe’s Status Report 2/15
Personal Weekly Update | Zoe | 2/15 Accomplishments This week, I dedicated significant time to refining our design presentation (8 hours), ensuring it was well-structured, visually cohesive, and backed by solid research. I also contributed to the design report, integrating
Rita’s Status Report for 2/8
Personal Weekly Update | Rita| 2/8 Accomplishments – Proposal Presentation (5h): Together as a team, we worked together to create the Proposal presentation for the Cyclify. We broke it down into several parts: Zoe was responsible for the Technical Challenges,
Carolyn’s Status Report for 2/8
Personal Accomplishments Mobile App UI Mockups (7h): I used Figma to design the various screens and features of our mobile app which can be pictured below. The app will receive and analyze sensor and picture data from our device. The mockup
Zoe’s Status Report for 2/8
Personal Weekly Update | Zoe | 2/8 Accomplishments This week, I focused on the foundational research necessary to refine our project idea and ensure its viability as an ECE capstone. I structured the initial slide deck for our proposal presentation