Personal Accomplishments
- Mobile App UI Mockups (7h): I used Figma to design the various screens and features of our mobile app which can be pictured below. The app will receive and analyze sensor and picture data from our device. The mockup was created based off team discussions, aligning with our intended use cases and core functionality. The designs incorporate real-time form feedback, heart rate & exertion tracking, calibration, device pairing, post-ride performance analytics, and a user-friendly UI.
- Proposal Presentation + Research (6h): Together we collaborated by dividing the slides amongst ourselves. I worked with Zoe on the solution, component choices, and use case requirements. While working on the presentation, I did research to define and justify the quantitative metrics and choices we were making. This research helped in making sure our design decisions were technically feasible and gave us a head start for the design report and presentation.
- App Development + Research (2h): I spent some time initiating the app development and research process as these are my main responsibilities for next week. Since this is my first time developing a mobile app, I spent some time watching tutorials and researched Swift development to familiarize myself with the workflow. I also completed the necessary installations and set up the Cyclify project.
- Mandatory Lab Meetings (4h): We received valuable feedback from the TAs and professors during our meetings that we have taken into consideration when designing our solution and use case approaches. Professor Kim gave us feedback and together we solidified the 25 different positions that our device seeks to detect as well as a calibration at the start to improve form tracking accuracy. During this time I also listened to other group’s proposal presentations and provided feedback.
I am on schedule for the tasks assigned to me according to our Gannt chart. My tasks for this week were to finish the app mockup and begin research on iOS mobile development which I have completed.
Next Week Tasks & Goals
- Mobile App Development: I intend to continue familiarizing myself with Swift and HealthKit integration next week. Towards the end of next week, I plan to begin implementing the front end pages of my UI mockup (no functionality yet).
- App-to-Device Bluetooth: While familiarizing myself with Swift, I will familiarize myself with the Bluetooth libraries we will be using and establish a connection with the ESP32 to validate the connection before implementing real-time feedback.
- Software research: I intend to conduct further research on the software architecture for our app, focusing on database solutions, analytics & data visualization APIs, and investigate potential deployment options.
Carolyn’s Status Report for 2/8