Surafel’s Status Report for 3/9/24

  • This week I worked on both adding some sort of countdown (per instructor recommendation) to give users time to get ready for their face to get scanned, and adding a way for new users to scan their face in. I was able to add the countdown into the system, so now users have 5 seconds before the system attempts to recognize their face. I am still working on the actual face check-in functionality, and it will be my goal to finish it this week.
  • My progress is currently a bit behind schedule because I wasn’t able to work on this as much as I wanted to over spring break (had to attend to some unexpected business), but my main focus this week will to get back on track.
  • Next week, I plan on getting the check-in function up and running and (time permitting) figure out how to send information through the wireless transceiver

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