This week, I continued working on the coat rack portion of our project. This involved finishing cutting and sanding our plywood pieces in the woodshop in TechSpark, as well as adding nails to some pieces to ensure the multiples layers of wood would remain together. I also worked with my teammate in staining some of the pieces and designing a gear that would rotate the rack. Lastly, I contributed to our design report by writing several portions and adding corrections were needed.
My progress is currently on schedule. However, since the rack is not fully assembled and we do not have the parts to power our motor, we are not able to test if the rotation will work. As a result, we need to quickly order parts and complete assembly next week so that we can test rotation.
Next week, I hope to complete an order for more materials so that we can have all necessary materials to power/use our electronics. I hope to continue workin on the coat rack, finishing painting it and also test the rotation. Lastly, I hope calibrate the load cell so we can begin adding various weights on the rack.