Sebastian’s Status Report for 3/16/24

Weekly Accomplishments

  • Created Mock Databases: food_info and food_inventory.
    • food_info contains the expiration duration and food type of all produce Sous-Chef will recognize
    • food_inventory will be where we keep inventory of food and check for when each item will expire
  • Also able to login and connect locally with Database through a python mySQL connector. Thus I have accomplished being able to perform any SQL CRUD operations through python, and can begin to rollout my API.
    • Here is example of my running python script and pulling all the data in food_info
  • Now that I connect to the MySQL database locally via Python and perform operations, I began looking into building out the API that the Sous-Chef flutter App will access.
    • After some research, I was deciding in between using either Flask or FastAPI to create this. I am currently decided on FastAPI due to its speed and it appears to need less boilerplate code (we’ll see how correct I am about that).

Next Week Goals

  • Create the Python API that will connect the frontend of Sous-Chef to the database of the product using FastAPI.

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