Michael’s Status Report for 2/24/2024

Weekly Accomplishments

  • Practiced & Presented Design Review Presentation
  • Setup preliminary socket code for communicaiton on a local network

    The above screenshot demonstrates two computers communicating on the same local network.
    Using a python library called pickle, python objects can be serialized into bytes. Here, I’m sending a python dictionary between our Raspberry Pi Zero and my laptop.
  •  Explored sending images over network. Uncovered that the RPi HQ Camera requires a proper camera lens to operate properly. We will be returning the HQ lens to the inventory and will have to purchase new cameras. Probable cameras: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZZ2K7WP/
  • Tracked down how to obtain AMD Kria KV260s.

Overall Progress

  • Minor setback: Finding out that the borrowed camera isn’t usable. Was hoping to test the speed at which images could be taken and sent over the network by the RPi Zero.
  • Minor setback: Due to a family medical emergency, I’ll be flying home on Wednesday afternoon instead of Saturday like originally planned. Won’t be able to test RPi Camera until after Spring Break.

Next Week’s Goals

  1. Incoperated feedback into final design report.
  2. Request KV260 when it’s annouced that they arrived to inventory.
  3. Test 4K camera images over sockets even though cameras will be repalced.

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