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Michael’s Status Report for 2/24/2024
Weekly Accomplishments
- Practiced & Presented Design Review Presentation
- Setup preliminary socket code for communicaiton on a local network
The above screenshot demonstrates two computers communicating on the same local network.
Using a python library called pickle, python objects can be serialized into bytes. Here, I’m sending a python dictionary between our Raspberry Pi Zero and my laptop.
- Explored sending images over network. Uncovered that the RPi HQ Camera requires a proper camera lens to operate properly. We will be returning the HQ lens to the inventory and will have to purchase new cameras. Probable cameras:
- Tracked down how to obtain AMD Kria KV260s.
Overall Progress
- Minor setback: Finding out that the borrowed camera isn’t usable. Was hoping to test the speed at which images could be taken and sent over the network by the RPi Zero.
- Minor setback: Due to a family medical emergency, I’ll be flying home on Wednesday afternoon instead of Saturday like originally planned. Won’t be able to test RPi Camera until after Spring Break.
Next Week’s Goals
- Incoperated feedback into final design report.
- Request KV260 when it’s annouced that they arrived to inventory.
- Test 4K camera images over sockets even though cameras will be repalced.