Casper’s Individual Status Report Feb 24 2024

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).

Over this past week, I have been spending most of my time on creating the simulated search algorithm, which can be found in our Github, and also in the image below.

Currently, the Python software is able to create and visualize a 2D search grid, and the Hexapod is able to take a random step in each time unit.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

Unfortunately, I had a fever this past week so was unable to do as much in-person work as I would have liked to; hence, I spent most of my time working on the simulation since I could work at home. As a result, we are slightly behind schedule on getting the Jetsons working and on the robot. Now that I am better this week, I hope to spend more time in the lab rooms completing the hardware setup.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Currently, the Hexapod search algorithm is stateless, so I hope to make some simple optimizations so that it has a better baseline search. I will also need to add functionality such that multiple Hexapods can search efficiently. Then, I will profile speedups in search time vs. number of Hexapods.

Team Status Report for Feb 24 2024

Were any changes made to the existing design of the system (requirements, block diagram, system spec, etc)? Why was this change necessary, what costs does the change incur, and how will these costs be mitigated going forward?

One significant change we made was switching from the Jetson Nano to the Jetson Orin Nano. This was necessary as we became cognizant that the Nano’s compute might not have been sufficient to run ROS, Object Detection, and SLAM simultaneously. We also saw that it took the Nano 40 seconds to run YOLOv7. In terms of costs we incur we were lucky that the Orins were available in inventory so we didn’t have the shell money out of them from our budget. An additional cost is that the Orin needs to be supplied with a higher voltage so we have to upgrade a hexapod’s power supplies to meet its demands.

What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans are ready?

Currently, our greatest troubles has been in bringing up the Jetson and Raspberry Pi boards to run all the relevant software that we need (ie. ROS, YOLO, Jetpack, & Python versions meet requirements). This has taken a bit more time than previously planned, though we have learnt many things.

Since we did just swap from Jetson Nano to Jetson Orin Nano, we will also need to make sure that the Jetson Orin Nano does not have any hidden requirements.

Provide an updated schedule if changes have occurred.We will have to extend our scheduled time for setting up Jetsons (since we changed to the Orin). It’s a good thing we have slack!

Akash’s Individual Status Report Feb 24 2024

I practiced and presented our design review presentation. After doing more research and talking with my Autonomous Robotics professor we got a data point that our Jetson Nano might not be enough to support ROS, Object Detection, and SLAM. So we upgraded to using Jetson Orin Nanos instead. I did some work setting them up and playing with ROS on the RaspberryPI to see if the existing hexapod-controlling ros library we found on Git Hub worked.

I would say I am on schedule.

Ideally, I want to get the robot controlled with ROS using the RaspberryPI and then port it to the Jetson directly controlling it using the Issac ROS Bridge.


Kobe’s Individual Status Report 2/17

This week I focused on researching which object detection framework that we would want to implement for our hexapods. I started off with learning the basics of how Yolo was built up, from YoloV1 onwards. While we might not need in-depth knowledge of the different versions of Yolo I wanted to have a better understanding of how processing was optimized, from the darknet, introduction of anchor boxes, multiple item detection within the same grid…etc. From research I thought that training a model from scratch would be too time consuming so I think we should pretrain a model with a COCO dataset and then further train the model with our own custom data set. I collected and labeled this custom data set using images of people lying prone since that’s what would be the most common for our use case. I helped with robot assembly and other jetson setup but I mainly focused on setting up Yolo on the Jetson. While we ran into a big issue with Jetpack – Python – Ultralytics compatibility during the setup process, I learned a lot of valuable information about the dependencies of Yolo and how the PyTorch and Torchvision libraries work.

Progress is on schedule. I think our main focus should be on making sure we understand how to configure the Jetson to make sure we don’t make a big mistake that we have to fix later on. I’ll continue to work on Yolo setup and I hope to get a working version of Yolov7 by the end of next week if not earlier.

Above is an image of the custom dataset I made from collected images and labelling by hand

Akash’s Individual Status Report Feb 17 2024

This week I helped set up the wifi module on the jetson to make it work like a local LAN network so that we can form a local network amongst jetsons. Apart from this I helped set up the hexapod with my teammates and helped with other Jetson setup tasks like setting up YOLOv7 as a trial. I did some research on being able to control our hexapod straight from the jetson as opposed to with the Raspberry Pi.
I would say I am on track for this week.
Next week I hope to finish setting up ros on the raspberry PI and be able to control the hexapod without the GUI. Ideally, I’d also be able to get our Jetson to directly control the hexapod.

Casper’s Individual Status Report Feb 17 2024

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).

Over this past week, I have spent the majority of my time bringing up the Hexapod. This has involved assembling (which took a surprising amount of hours, calibration of servos, setting up the Raspberry Pi with the relevant software, and testing the control of the robot. In the meanwhile, I also read a lot into SLAM with my team, since we need to consider how the Medbot is able to locate and move to other Hexapods.

The working robot can be seen in action here!

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

I think we are somewhat on schedule. We made a decision to only order one Hexapod rather than all three to give us more budget to pivot in case there was some error. So, we have done everything that we set out on the Gantt chart, but only on one robot rather than 3. We think that the bring up of the remaining Hexapods will be much faster, since we will already have experience and suitable tools.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

I am delivering the Design Review presentation in this coming week, so I will be spending a majority of my time working on the slide deck and also script. When

Team Status Reports Feb 17 2024

What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans are ready?

Currently, we are running into some issues with testing out YOLOv5 on our Jetson due to some of the packages and dependencies being out of date. We’re putting a lot of effort into figuring out which parts of the dependencies are outdated and trying to manually install alternatives. A contingency plan is to try out a newer version of YOLO in hopes that the dependencies would be more up to date and better documented. 


Were any changes made to the existing design of the system (requirements, block diagram, system spec, etc)? Why was this change necessary, what costs does the change incur, and how will these costs be mitigated going forward?

If possible, we are considering removing the Raspberry Pi from the Hexapod and using the Jetson Nano to perform all the actuation of servos. We will just need to confirm that the Raspberry Pi shield from the Hexapod is compatible with the Jetson Nano.


Provide an updated schedule if changes have occurred.

No major changes. We have completed the assembly and bring-up of one robot, as well as setting up a Jetson; now we are trying to train a YOLO network on the Jetson. One thing is we have decided to only order and start with one hexapod rather than all 3, so we are a little behind in that aspect. However, we believe that we will be able to do the bring up for later hexapods much faster.


This is also the place to put some photos of your progress or to brag about a component you got working

Please write a paragraph or two describing how the product solution you are designing will meet a specified need…

  • with respect to considerations of public health, safety or welfare. 

The Crisis Critters are intended to help find victims of natural disasters (ie. Earthquakes, building collapse) fast and efficiently. We believe that by finding victims earlier, we can prevent deaths and further deterioration of the victim’s health. Furthermore, these robots also reduce the workload and risk that human rescue teams face in these dangerous environments. 


  • With consideration of social factors. 

Computer vision algorithms have historically had problems with biases in the dataset that its being trained with. For example if we train our product with images of people from only one race it might not be able to identify other races. To remedy this we need to have people from different races to make our solution race invariant. 

  • with consideration of economic factors. 

With the increase in natural disasters in addition to conflicts around the world, the need for cost effective methods of search and rescue are rising dramatically. The integration of sophisticated autonomous robots would be integral to expediting the SAR process in areas of need. The production of these hexapods will be cheap and would be widely available due to the relatively low cost of the hardware and the public nature of the required software.

Kobe’s Individual Status Report Feb 10 2024

Worked on and presented our proposal presentation. Submitted purchase order for hexapod robot. Did more research into possible alternatives to different parts of our solution approach. Since we don’t have a lot of our components yet, we were not able to make a lot more progress. We are on schedule and this upcoming week will be focused on literature review and testing the capabilities of the hexapod. By the end of next week I hope to have the hexapod built and tested for various movement conditions as well as narrowed down on which search algorithm and what kind of SLAM implementation we want.

Casper’s Individual Status Report Feb 10 2024

Asides from working on the project proposal presentation this past week, I finalized and made the orders for hardware, such as the Jetson Nanos and camera. I have been doing some readings into distributed search algorithms.

We are currently on schedule, according to our planned Gantt chart. However, we will need to add some additional work to to our current schedule, as we did not factor in SLAM earlier.

We are expecting to receive the Hexapods on Feb 12th, so I hope to assemble the robots in the first few days, then develop and validate the existing controls firmware so that the robots are able to move accurately. I will also do some readings into SLAM along with my other team members.

Akash’s Individual Status Report Feb 10 2024

I worked on the presentation with my teammates, and did some research regarding our idea’s feasibility. Realized after doing research and talking with friends that using just using servo movement wasn’t enough for calculating relative position. Realized we need to use VSLAM and reported findings to teamates.

I am currently on schedule because my tasks for this week apart from the presentation were ordering parts for the project which I  completed.

Assemble the hexapods and set up the jetsons. Research more on SLAM and YOLO and get our github and build system set up to a baseline.