With the final presentation and many other deadlines coming up, I am anticipating the final steps we will make and progress towards having a completed MVP for the final demo. A portion left on the user interface was integrating the MySQL database into the environment and setting up user roles for what they are allowed to and not allowed to manipulate. I was able to learn most of this information from online tutorials as well as previous knowledge from my Web Application Development and Security classes to prevent injection attacks.
Different data input/output operations were defined including the upload of new entries after successful scans from the hardware, deletion by user after consumption, and updating daily intake after this deletion. I also did individual database testing to ensure each of them operates correctly. In the remaining time, I will work with Steven and Surya to further check the integration between the hardware and web application display.
Since another presentation is coming up next week, a lot of the group’s efforts were concentrated on revising and completing the final presentation. I helped Steven with a video demo to be included in this. Most of the changes from the design presentation include highlighting changes made between the original design and our current design now, solution approach evolutions such and social and global considerations, and most of the completed testing to balance between design trade-offs. Most of the designated software/hardware design changes have been highlighted in our previous presentation, but we’ve decided on additional pages to be included on our web application for more versatile usage. For instance, in consideration of social concerns like higher interaction between different users and prevention of misusage, we’ve included a more social aspect of the application that allows users using the same device to optionally see each other’s food activity. Additionally, there is a page that takes in user inputted calorie threshold for them to view whether or not their calorie intake has exceeded their personal goal or not.
In regards to testing, since most of the web application functionalities have been completed for the interim demo, I used the extra time to help Steven with his ML algorithms and Surya with scale calibrations. Since our project diverged towards ResNet-18 for CNN, I helped Steven with image preprocessing to ensure the system would receive the most readable images and achieve higher accuracy reading. We conducted batch testing to increase efficiency and make full use of our computational resources.
In regards to the scale, range and sensitivity testing was done to see if small weight changes could be detected. That is most of the testing that needed to be done, and if there is additional time, we can also conduct durability testing to verify the scale’s performance under different temperature conditions. While improving the performance of each subsystem, we are shifting our efforts towards system integration testing to monitor the system’s abilities to handling errors and how they could possibly be reported to the user.