This week and last week, I spent a lot of time improving the overall UI of the application, adding a Session History page that allows the user to see statistics from previous work sessions, and testing the backend integration to ensure that all components are working well.
I continued to build upon the UI enhancements I made last week and made it even more visually appealing. I did more research on the Chakra UI and also worked with Photoshop to add images of the headset and camera on the homepage. Below are pictures of how the current homepage looks:
The Session History page is where users can see data from all the previous sessions in one viewing allowing them to see how they are improving in limiting the number of distractions. Currently, we keep track of the session_id and frequency for each distraction when sending the data to the Django backend. I created a new endpoint ( and added the total number of distractions to the data payload along with the session_id and timestamp so that the frontend can fetch this information from the endpoint and display it on the react page. I made sure to update the backend so that it checks to see if the session_id already exists in the database before updating the number of distractions. This ensures that the data from the specific session_id is only shown once on the endpoint and not every time a new distraction occurs. Users can now see a graph for Total Distractions over all sessions and when the user clicks on the bar chart, it takes the user to the specific Session Summary page corresponding to that session. Below is an example of how the Session Summary page looks:
Throughout the development of this project, I found it essential to learn several new skills and tools, particularly in frontend development using React component libraries, backend development with Django, and integrating both with hardware (camera and Emotiv EEG headset). To efficiently acquire these skills, I relied on tutorial videos on YouTube to understand React and used Stack Overflow and various Medium articles to troubleshoot specific issues I encountered with Django and database integration. Additionally, for the hardware integration, I referred to specific documentation and community forums from the EEG headset and Camera API for real-world insights and coding examples. These methods were efficient, offering targeted, real-time solutions that I could immediately apply to address any concerns during the project.
I am on schedule and am looking forward to the last couple of weeks. I am now working on integrating the Session History page with the EEG data so that our app can display a graph for the % of time in a flow/ focus state for all the given sessions. I will also continue to work on further improving the UI and preparing for the final presentation on Monday.