Karen’s Status Report for 3/16

This week I focused on improving phone detection. I familiarized myself with the Roboflow platform and how to train my own object detection model on it. Following this, I began the process of training the object detector by collecting a diverse dataset. I recorded videos of several different people with several different phones holding their phone in their hands. On the Roboflow platform, I was able to annotate and label the phone in each frame. I also applied some augmentations (changes in sheer, saturation, and brightness) and ended up with over 1000 images for the dataset. The results of the training are in images below. Overall, this process went much smoother than training locally using the analytics Python package. The training time was much shorter and I also obtained much better results using my own custom dataset.

After using the phone detector live, it performs much more robustly than my previous iteration. However, I noticed that it struggled detecting phones in certain orientations, especially when only the thin of the phone is visible in frame. In frame, this looks like a very thing rectangle or even a line, so I collected more videos of people holding phones in this orientation. I also noticed poor performance on colored phones, so will need to collect more data in these situationsI will have to label each frame and will then use the model I have already trained as a starting point to further train on this new data in the coming week.

I have integrated all of the individual detectors into a single module that prints when a behavior or distraction is detected along with the timestamp. It keeps track of behavior “states” as well, so that a distraction is not recorded for every individual frame. I am collaborating with Arnav to translate these print statements into calls to the API he has created to communicate with the backend.

This coming week, I will also integrate MediaPipe’s hand pose landmarker so that I can track the hand in frame as well. We only want to consider a phone pick up when the phone is detected in the hand, so I will need to check that the location of phone is in the vicinity of the user’s hand. Another feature I will be working on in the next week is facial recognition. If there are multiple people in frame, facial recognition will be used to distinguish between the user and any other people in frame. This will ensure that we run facial analysis (sleeping, yawning, and gaze detection) on the right face.

With these updates to the phone detector, my progress is on schedule.

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