This week I’m mainly focusing on revising my code for the pitch processor. I tested eight different saxophone music files as inputs and the outputs are not very accurate. Sometimes the output is correct, but sometimes the output is very wrong. I believe that there’s some miscalculations in my code and I’m still revising and repairing it. I tried to modify the code to use FFT instead of STFT but it turned out to be worse, so I decided to stick to STFT. For the rhythm processor, I decided to work on an offline processor instead of real time since I did some research and found that real-time processing requires far more work. I will finish working on offline processing first and then work on real-time if I have time left.
(For example, the output notes here is a mess)
I’m slightly behind schedule this week due to the unexpected pitch processing error. I’m working to fix the issues and I expect to fix it by Monday. After that I will keep working on the rhythm processor and test several saxophone musics played by Jordan as inputs.