This week, I mainly spent time preparing my proposal presentation on Wednesday. After the report, I explored ways I could acquire a saxophone, including from various organisations on campus, and buying a new one. I am still in communications with Kiltie regarding borrowing one of theirs. My goal for next week is to get the saxophone and place all orders for the hardware part by Tuesday, and spend the rest of the time on finalising the features and feedback that will be included in the web app. As the saxophone player in the team, this is naturally my job, and while I am still waiting on parts, this is the best way to spend my time. Overall, I am still on schedule.
Lin’s Status Report for 2/10
This week’s main goal is to finish the proposal presentation and get ourselves familiarize to our sub-parts. Since I am in charge of developing the audio processor, I have started to research on the essential steps for it. The audio processing will be divided into pre-processing and pitch detection. I started working on the pre-processing part on Matlab and tested several filtering algorithms on an input audio. I also researched on several python libraries for music processing, such as Librosa, SciPy, etc.
My progress is currently on schedule, but I hope to achieve more next week. I plan to finish up the pre-processing of audio next week and convert it into Python (if the webapp frontend can be constructed by then). I will also start to research on pitch detection next week.