These past two weeks saw a massive overhaul of the code base and lots of breakthroughs on the software side. Jason and I worked together on all of these changes. We finally finished moving over to a fully asynchronous execution model. This allows us to do full asynchronous IO and receive and send input to the website at any time. We also made large progress on the website. We decided to have the server talk to both the uno machine and the users over websockets. This allowed us to both host the server on a laptop instead of the raspberry pi as well as write simple code to handle updates to the game state at any time. We also added features for dealing with illegal user input and dealing with calling uno.We also removed the auto correction feature on a failed card deal as it was causing the arduino uno to brownout due to the current spikes. This is fine as it will just fall back to having a human intervene and fix the dealing failure.
We are on schedule. The plan next week is to continue refining the website interface and also allow for a variable number of players on the hardware side.
Additional Prompt:
There were many things that I encountered during the semester that I had never interacted with before. I had to read the documentation for both the Adafruit Motor Shield as well as the Raspberry Pi camera library. I also watched many videos with Thomas to assist in figuring out the mechanical design. I also looked at a lot of motor specifications and forum posts to find motors that met all of our power and strength requirements. I also learned a lot about web development as I have never designed a website before. I read official documentation, forum posts, and watched tutorials to navigate the muddy waters of javascript and html.