This week was mostly dedicated to generating data, further testing out the dispenser, and making some physical enhancements. First, we finally got our rubber feet installed, which stops the bottom from moving or shaking while the chassis turns. In terms of the dispenser success rate, we struggled to get a good prototype and setup for a while, but at the end we figured out the dispenser’s lid should have some room with the cards. With this small fix, we were able to get around 90%+ success rate, which is getting a lot closer to our initial requirement. With the dispenser working, we were able to get some data from the top of the play stack and the bottom of the dispenser for Jason to modify and train the CNN.
I am currently on schedule, and the next couple of weeks will be basically extensive testing repeated multiple times. Next week, I will try performing full body integration testing, where we not only test the dispenser spitting cards out but also move the chassis as well.