The majority of this week was dedicated to learning how to use Onshape (CAD tool) and developing multiple CAD models of the lower case design. I imported all the relevant parts to determine the optimal size for the chassis when assembled, which is 25cm x 25cm x 20cm. This assembly includes the internal gear responsible for turning the entire body from the bottom. Subsequently, we laser cut and 3D printed the models to evaluate the most suitable materials for each component. Currently, we have decided to laser cut the entire body with wood and 3D print the gears. While laser cutting is feasible for the gears, 3D printing appears to be the better option considering the desired thickness. We also looked into metal gears, but they seem to be too pricey for the size we want.
I am currently on track, and depending on the parts delivery schedule for next week, I anticipate possibly shifting my focus to designing the upper body/card dispenser instead of assembly since we at least need the stepper motor and motor shield.
If I have the parts next week, I plan to test the stepper motor to verify its capability to handle the weight of the platform and possibly making the platform turn. If the parts do not arrive on time, I intend to have a preliminary design of the card dispenser in CAD and potentially 3D print it by end of next week.