Accomplishments This Week
Firstly, as the presenter for the Proposal this week, I worked on practicing the presentation material as well as prepare for any possible questions that could come up after the presentation. Other than the proposal, I worked on researching and purchasing materials for the hardware component of our scanner module: a camera that would fit our design requirements.
The camera that we ended up purchasing was a NexiGo N60 1080P Webcam ( which had a balance of budget and high resolution within the dimensions of our scanner module. We would connect this webcam to the microcontroller via USB, and incorporate it for our OCR portion of the project.
Project Schedule and Progress
My progress is on schedule, have done preliminary hardware planning as well as purchasing materials.
Goals for the Next Week
Next week my goal will be to setup and test the camera integration with the Raspberry Pi. This would mean putting the camera on the scanner, and connecting to it and setting up the environment. I have found a good tutorial on the web to follow (
Things to look out for is the compatibility, latency, and image quality that we get from the camera to the RbPI. I will validate any software and hardware issues that may rise during this testing phase.