Yuma’s Status Report for 2/17

Accomplishments This Week

Firstly, our hardware arrived this week. I was able to set up the RPI 5 that we are going to use as our central computer. With the Design Review coming up for next week, I also worked with Jason and Siyuan to finalize the details of the design, and talked over some hypothetical questions we would get asked during the presentation. Outside of these main goals, I assisted Siyuan and Jason with their Camera/Barcode modules as completing the setup of the RPI5 was blocked by actually having a mouse and keyboard. We devised a method of acquiring images in focus for the expiration date, which involve taking a buffer of images +-1 second of acquiring the barcode number. OCR will then go through the buffer of the images to determine which one has the highest classification rate, and will use those values. Overall, a very productive week.

Project Schedule and Progress

My progress is a little behind schedule, as we struggled to set up the RPI due to not having a mouse/keyboard to set it up with. We were able to get this issue resolved and I am trying to get back on schedule.

Goals for the Next Week

I plan on starting to develop the MVP software for the center node this coming week. Edge node software development will also happen, but the task is blocked until there is more progress on Jason’s camera hardware progress and Siyuan’s barcode reader progress.

Yuma’s Status Report for 2/10

Accomplishments This Week

This week, much of the time was listening to presentations. We presented our project and we were able to gain more insight into our actual implementation through the questions asked during the Q&A. We also gained a lot of insight into other technical problems and proposed solutions for other teams, such as an important use-case requirement being battery life. I also conducted preliminary software planning to successfully be able to implement our design into reality the following weeks.

Regarding the preliminary software planning, I was able to draft up a diagram (like a FSM) detailing the MVP requirements of the product. In terms of the hardware planning, I was able to communicate with Jason and Siyuan to purchase a LED screen, Raspberry Pi-s, and camera making sure they were relatively easy to integrate with the RPI computing module.


Project Schedule and Progress

We are overall on track with the schedule. We had a week full of presentations but we were still able to do  preliminary planning for both hardware and software components, allowing us to actually start implementing them next week.


Goals for the Next Week

In the upcoming week, my primary focus will be the actual implementation of the edge node software as well as the central database. The specific deliverables I want to achieve are the following:

Edge Node Software

I plan to have a MVP of the scanner software done by the end of the week. I want to make sure it is able to start up correctly, receive data from both the barcode scanner and camera so that in future weeks we can augment features onto these percepts. I hope to also have the 8am push notification to be up and running on the LED screen.

Central Database

I plan to have a central database on the RPI 5 acting as the central computer this week. Although these scanners would not be communicating by the end of this week, I wish to set this up so that in future weeks, the main problem would be communication rather than data storage and instantiation.