Siyuan’s Status Report for 3/23

Accomplishments This Week

This week, I focused on the software development aspects of the project. The key accomplishments include:

Scanner Module Software Integration: I successfully carried out further integration of the scanner module software, ensuring that it seamlessly interfaces with other components of our inventory management system.

Development of Photo Capture Function: In collaboration with Jason, we initiated the development of a photo capture function, aiming to capture images for OCR. Despite our efforts, we encountered technical difficulties with setting up the OpenCV environment required for the photo capture function. These challenges have temporarily hindered our progress in implementing this feature but have not impacted our overall project timeline.


Project Schedule and Progress

I am on schedule, and my progress is still good.


Goals for the Next Week

Next week, the focus will continue to be on the integration of the scanner module software with the broader system. Alongside development, I will try resolving the OpenCV challenges, and I will resume development of the photo capture function, aiming to integrate this feature into our system.

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