Siyuan’s Status Report for 3/16

Accomplishments This Week

This week, I focused on the software development aspects of the project. The key accomplishments include:

Modification of API Request for Database Compatibility: I undertook the essential task of modifying the API request functionality to ensure compliance with the data format used in our database. This modification is a vital step towards integrating the barcode scanner module software with our existing data management systems. By aligning the format of the data retrieved from the API with that of our database, we facilitate smoother data integration, storage, and retrieval processes.

Implementing More Features to Barcode Software: A significant development achievement this week was adding more useful information to the API request. Now, the software can get the date and time, and the user can select which item is correct if there are many corresponding items to the barcode.


Project Schedule and Progress

I am on schedule, and I have catch up what I missed last week.


Goals for the Next Week

Next week, the focus will continue to be on the integration of the scanner module software with the broader system. Alongside development, testing of the newly added features will be conducted to ensure their reliability and effectiveness. Based on the testing results, necessary refinements will be made to enhance the software’s performance and user experience.

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