Accomplishments This Week
This week, I focused on both the documentation and development aspects of the project. The key accomplishments include:
Completion of Design Review Report: I have completed writing crucial sections of the Design Review Report, which include the Introduction, Use Case Requirements, and Architecture.
Implementation of Information Extraction Function: A significant development achievement this week was the implementation of the function that extracts useful information from the API request. With this functionality, the software now can parse information, such as product name and brand.
Project Schedule and Progress
I am slightly behind schedule, but the work for next week is still software development. In this case, things are still manageable.
Goals for the Next Week
Next week, the focus will shift towards further development of the barcode module software, building upon the foundational work completed this week. Alongside development, testing of the newly added features will be conducted to ensure their reliability and effectiveness. Based on the testing results, necessary refinements will be made to enhance the software’s performance and user experience.