Accomplishments This Week
Firstly, we presented our design review this week. During the Q&A, an interesting alternative for storing data on the central computer & edge servers was proposed — ZFS. I spent some time this week conducting a trade study for this technology versus a vanilla implementation of RAID.
On top of this, I was able to setup the repository for the project and draft the bare-bone code used to register items and communicate between nodes. This code is pushed to the repository. A problem I encountered was formatting the data being sent, but was able to resolve it by performing lossless compression on the class member using the pickle library and unpickle-ing it at the recipient. I would say it was a productive week.
Project Schedule and Progress
Although I was a bit behind schedule last week, I managed to bring it back on schedule this week. I hope to work ahead this week, though I am not sure how much can be done as the design review is also due this week.
Goals for the Next Week
I plan on starting to define an interface between Siyuan and Jason’s portions of the code so that we are on the same page about how barcodes and camera input are being put in as data. I also plan on dedicating a lot of time this week to write and clean up the design review document, as well as review comments that were given on our presentation.