Jason’s Status Report for 2/24

Accomplishments This Week

With the optimal camera module chosen and successfully connected to the rbpi, I have now moved on to developing the initial phase of the OCR model. Firstly, I have implemented the preprocessing stage of our model, which included the following list. This implementation used libraries such as Numpy and cv2 from OpenCV. As of now, the implementation is very basic, and therefore needs testing and optimization for better results.  The code will be updated in the github repository. This will be my primary goal for next week.


  1. Resizing image
  2. Contrast enhancement
  3. Color to grayscale adjustment
  4. Contour analysis to filter out non-text regions

Project Schedule and Progress

My progress is on schedule, however I would want to research and test more on how to perform contour analysis on input image before next week.

Goals for the Next Week

Next week my goal will be to keep working on the image processing model. I will finish the preprocessing part of the model, and then work on the actual OCR part .

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