Josh’s Status Report for 2/10/2024

Accomplishment: Throughout the week, I have researched three popular Object Recognition models. I have evaluated pros and cons of each model and created a checklist to determine which model fits the best to our project. Then, I have participated in a weekly progress meeting with the team to discuss the feedback from the proposal and the contingency plan of a significant risk to the product. I have also created a brief software module flow diagram to visualize the process. 

Progress: I am slightly behind the schedule due to the changes made to mitigate a significant risk of Raspberry Pi overheating. I will make sure to get back on track by spending more time on researching an OR model that also has a distance estimation feature. Testing the models by downloading and setting up the modules can also take a long time, so I will make sure to leave extra time for this objective. 

Projected Deliverables: By Monday, I will be done researching the possible models that have both OR module and distance estimation module. Then, by Thursday, I will be done testing the models on my laptop and reviewing them with the checklist I have created to decide which model to work with. 

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