Accomplishment: This week I worked with Shakthi to test the PCB and write GPIO configuration code to control the hardware components. We were successful in configuring the ultrasonic sensor and the buttons. We also received the surface mount transistors, so I populated a second version of our PCB with the transistor, which was necessary for using the vibration motor. I also soldered longer wires onto the vibration motor’s leads, so that we could connect it to the PCB, and tested the vibration motor controls. Lastly, I connected the camera to the Jetson and captured a few images and videos for Josh to test the OR model on.
Progress: I am still behind our original schedule due to the transistor delay, but now that the new PCB has been assembled and appears to be working, I will work to get back on schedule by beginning the design for the device casing and strap.
Projected Deliverables: This week I will work with Shakthi to route the text-to-speech output to the USB adapter, which will allow us to connect headphones for audio output. Now that the PCB is done and each of the components has been tested, I will also start focusing on the wearable aspect of the device, and will begin planning the casing design and a carrying strap.