Shakthi Angou’s Status Report for 03/23/2024

Accomplishment: This week I worked on the implementation of the vibration module. This involves setting up the GPIO pins to the various inputs and outputs of the system and using the ultrasonic sensor to calculate the distance between the user and the nearest object. As a recap of the main system design, the ultrasonic sensor is used to detect objects nearest to the user and if the user the vibration setting on (control A was pressed once), this means that they enter the vibration mode and all objects under a 2m radius is indicated to them through the vibration motors. Hence, the vibration module not only measures distance using the sensor, but also includes a program to determine the mode that we are currently using and output the appropriate vibration to the user. Here is the code I have written- as the OR module solidifies, there may be changes to this work. Additionally, the setup of the GPIO pins and any hardware-side code is only a sample set-up and will be replaced with the work done by Meera.

Progress: Completing a first version of the implementation of the proximity module puts me in a good position in terms of the schedule. In the upcoming week I want to implement the TTS engine and test the speech module.

Projected Deliverables: By the end of the week I aim to have a first version of the speech module implemented and also modify the existing proximity module code depending on any changes made to the output of the OR module.

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