Status Report
This week was spent on getting all the sub-components of the project to work and setting up the physical components of the project.
We’ve assembled a test scene setup with the robot arm mounted in the middle of it. We’ve gotten software RRT* to work on a 1024 x 1024 x 1024 scene (albeit very slowly). We’ve gotten the perception system to map the test scene into a 3d voxel grid.
We are still improving the sub-components this week and next week. Then we will move on to overall integration (assuming we are using the Kria board, everything should be packed as ROS 2 node so there isn’t much physical integration required) and optimizing RRT* on FPGA.
Testing and Validation
We have already set up a scene that will be used for all full system testing. We have the dimensions of the scene measured and fixed and plan to have two sub-grids, one for item pick-up, and the other for item drop-off. There will be an obstacle in the middle of the sub-grids. Accuracy, correctness, speedup, and power efficiency will be measured using the same methods detailed in our design-review report using this scene.