Team Status Report for 04/20

This week, the team’s main focus is on the construction and testing of the PCB board for the hall effect sensor matrix. In addition, we completed the software APIs and logics to deal with the event when a new piece placement is detected by the hall effect sensor, which marks completion of the major software features (gantry movement of opponent’s placement and board update given a new physical piece placed) .

Due to the spacing of the PCB design, we have to solder on multiplexer without header pins to ensure the minimal distance required between the surface and the electromagnet for the movement system to function. Such restriction lead to escalating difficulty in soldering on components without shorting, slowing down the testing process and destroying multiple components during the process. To solve this problem, we decided to decrease the size of the board for the final presentation, while Sizhe made improvements on the original PCB design to be used for the final demo product.

Next week, we will focus on constructing and assembling the final parts once we receive the new improved PCB boards.

Shuailin Pan’s Status Report for 04/20

This week, I mainly focused on modeling, cutting and assembling the final outer chassis of the entire system. I also helped with standardizing soldering practice for the hall effect sensor with Sizhe to ensure minimal variance for each piece so that we can avoid connection issues and minimize detection difference.

Schedule and risk wise, due to the consumption of the components, we are only on track for a working 6 by 6 board for the presentation next week. However, Sizhe designed a new improved PCB that is optimized for soldering ease and pathing which we will use for the final product.

Next week after the presentation, I will help with soldering the new PCB boards, further testing, and internal wire management for the final demo product.

Shuailin Pan’s Status Report for 04/06

This week, I purchased and tested a new 12V electromagnet for the movement system due to the subpar performance of the 5V one. I also measured and modeled the chassis for the entire system to get rid of the old unstable mock prototype.

Design wise, the only update is the switch from the 5V electromagnet to a 12V one to act as the movement system.

Schedule wise, the team is mostly focusing on the software and PCB circuit design as planned. Feeding system has yet to be integrated to the software, but the software logic should be easy.

For next week, I will update the software for feeding system, print out the acrylic chassis for the entire system and assemble it with current built parts. I will also help with PCB design if needed since it’s the most risky aspect of our project currently.

Shuailin Pan’s Status Report for 3/30

This week, I mainly helped with building and tuning gantry, system assembly , and helped with testing piece detection threshold in python code.

Design wise, Sizhe and I decided to flip the locking and hall effect sensor placement under the board to help with better resolution when detecting pieces.

The current most significant risk lies in software communication of board state and the challenge in improving gantry speed.

Next week, I will try to help with software design to eliminate current communication issues of piece detection and motor movement between the hardware control code and webapp software. I will also begin designing and cutting the final version of the outer chassis since the gantry dimension is confirmed.

Team Status Report for 03/23

Our most significant risk is still the usage of PCB for the HE sensor matrix.

Design wise, Shuailin had a small change regarding the feeding system placement due to magazine with spring requires too much force to put around 40 go pieces inside. Sizhe had a small change regarding HE sensors multiplexer reading sequence schema to improve reading speed.

Schedule wise, the team is still behind for integration. However, Sizhe and Shuailin did most of the integration and grunt work that does not require gantry. Zipiao had made great process in software development.

Next week, since Zipiao is back, we will focus on integration with the gantry system to achieve actual general Gomoku game flow.

Shuailin Pan’s Status Report for 03/23

This week, I mainly finish grunt works and setup circuit and prep for smooth gantry integration. I laser cut go pieces in bulk and assembled them together with Sizhe. I also setup a transparent full size gomoku board for clearer movement and integration testing. I also helped with hall effect sensor detection and multiplexer circuit.

Design wise, I scrapped the idea of using compression spring in the go piece magazine, since after mass producing the go pieces, I found out that inserting over 20 pieces into the spring loaded magazine chamber requires too much force. Meaning, for integration, the feeding system would be upright using gravity instead of horizontal using compression spring.  Feeding movement involving stepper motor is unchanged. Risk wise, this is a simple change and mainly only impacted appearance and not functionality.

Schedule wise, I am still behind due to not being able to integrate with gantry. However, I finished all possible prep work, testing circuity and code to help expediting once we can integrate with gantry next week.


Shuailin Pan’s Status Report for 03/16

This week I mainly finish constructing and putting together the actual go pieces using laser cutting and successfully test the feeding system using the stepper motor with flags, laser cut housing and the compression spring. I also help with testing the interference of hall effect sensor detection and the locking system. After testing, we conclude that given current designed magnet and board thickness, there should be no issues.

Design wise, there are no major changes in the feeding system. However, I may need to laser cut new housing for the feeding magazine when trying to integrate with the gantry system.

Plan wise, I am behind on the deciding the actual placement of the feeding system as well as the positioning of the feeding area since I don’t have access to the gantry system.

Next week, since our teammate is coming back, I will mainly focusing on integration with other modules and implement any changes needed for the feeding system.

Shuailin Pan’s Status Report for 03/09

For the past weeks, aside from finishing the design report, I completed the following functions/tests:

  • Working Electromagnet that is able to attract magnet pieces
  • Test and ensure the magnet piece attraction and locking via magnets works across plywood up to 9mm thick
  • Test for locking via non magnetic ferromagnetic sheet metal washer (backup) and concludes that it is not as ideal as using permanent magnet for locking
  • Test and ensure that stepper motor has enough force to separate magnet go pieces with 6mm of plywood in between

Schedule wise, due to the closure of Ideate material lending office during spring break, I was not able to procure more plywood to laser cut the chassis for the feeding magazine and more go pieces. Thus, I was not able to finish the go feeding system as planned for integration.

For next week, after catching up with the unfinished laser cutting jobs, I will assemble and test go feeding chassis integrated with stepper motor, and help with interference testing between electromagnet, HE sensor and locking system. I would also likely begin writing Gomoku software logic in case the team cannot meet up for integration.

Team Status Report for 02/24

This week, we mainly test and debug the magnetic levitation device.

Things we Learnt:

The movement during magnetic levitation without magnetic interference is pretty robust and stable as long as there are no sudden stop.

The maglev device can adapt to a wide range of weight and magnetic magnitude for the go piece.

The maglev device requires a very high x-y accuracy to pick up magnet from rest for levitation.

The interference to and from the maglev device to surrounding magnet is larger than expected: around 130 mm to ensure stableness during testing.

The current main risk is that according to the interference distance, the grid cell size will be much larger than we expected. We will have to test for locking mechanism together with the maglev device to finalize the grid cell size, and change the board size or game size accordingly as mitigation.

For next week, we will mainly test for locking interference with maglev, assemble the gantry and see if it can reach the desired accuracy for consistent maglev pickup.

Shuailin Pan’s Status Report for 02/24

This week, I mainly help with testing and debugging the magnetic levitation device. We successfully make levitation work, ensure the feasibility of movement during maglev, test the accuracy requirement for the maglev device, test the interference distance, and deduce the rough general grid size requirement. (More details in Team status report) We also ensure the feasibility of using custom magnets for the maglev device:

For the Go feeding system that I’m responsible for, I designed a brief physical housing for the Go piece magazine and modeled it in Solidworks.

The current risk is that our rough interference distance estimate (about 130 mm) is relatively big compared to the gantry size (500mm x 500mm), which means the grid size (eg. 5×5 vs 6×6) may not be as big as we’d like. For possible mitigations, we need to test more robust locking mechanism, or switch to board games with smaller grid size (eg. Gomoku vs Tik-Tack-Toe)

Next week, we are going to test for electronic magnet locking mechanism and its interference with maglev design and test the gantry accuracy once it arrives. For piece feeding, I will use the laser cutter to cut out the design and see if the go piece mag works.