Simon’s Status Report for 4/27


I presented this week. I also went to Salem’s three separate times to try and get footage to test with, but was only successful the 3rd time (see Brian’s status report for more details). I did discuss alternative camera angles for our cashier throughput camera with the manager and the cashiers on my first visit this week (so I didn’t go for nothing), so I realized that I would need to train another model for the new angle (this time, a generalized one using the EgoHands dataset). The model seems to perform rather well, but we need to confirm tomorrow with further testing at Salem’s. On the 3rd visit, I got some data to replace the lost footage from last week, and realized that my shopping cart detection model was also failing to perform on our new camera angle for the small shopping carts (which was surprising, because it worked both from overhead and from a side view, but I guess there was insufficient training data for in between the two angles?). I annotated and added our new images of carts into the old dataset and retrained the model, which is now somewhat improved in terms of performance. However, I’m not confident that it predicts with high enough confidence on carts (it’s around .5 confidence), so we will need to test this as well to see if it ends up being reliable enough. If not, I will probably try to get more footage and just add more data, at the risk of overtraining the model to Salem’s.


Obviously, we are still very behind. We need to go to Salem’s tomorrow and finalize testing by Monday so that we can prepare for the final demo. As such, I haven’t bothered with the pose estimation for line detection that I mentioned last week, since failure to detect shopping carts/throughput is a much more pressing issue. Also, we need to configure the RPi’s to CMU wifi for the final demo (which is weird with CMU-DEVICE), but we can just use a phone hotspot instead, so this isn’t much of a concern.

Shubhi’s Status Report for 2/24/2024


I worked on the software implementation for the architecture, ensuring that the directory is organized well and that the design of the software covers all the functions needed. Every module has been fleshed out as to what its purpose is to the overall goal, as well as how the modules will communicate with each other. Also, I was working on integrating openCV with the directory, researching on using OpenCV with C++ since I had only used it with Python before, and am also working on integrating YOLO into the project. There are some articles on how to use YOLO with C++, so I read them and feel more confident with using it in the project. I also placed an order for a camera, so that I can do live testing with the detection implementation.


Currently I am still building up the software, but hopefully by next week I will have some sort of item counting detection running to test. I underestimated how much time it would take for me to research and learn about implementing YOLO with OpenCV, but I also have now figured that I am going to need to use more edge detection related algorithms specifically for the item counting, in which case I am going to have to do a little bit more research there. I am not super confident in the item detection working, but I have a good idea on how to implement it, so we will see by the end of the week.