The stability and reliability of the scissor lift are a risk because instability could result in inaccurate data collection from the lidar. A contingency plan for the scissor lift is using a pulley system to lift the lidar instead.
Another risk is furniture blocking certain areas and being unable to see behind it. This risk will be mitigated by using code to estimate the shapes and areas being blocked.
Design Changes:
We are now developing a pulley system to lift the lidar sensor. This change was necessary because we needed a contingency plan for the scissor lift. We needed to purchase a few new components, but as our budget allowed us to do so, there was not a big cost.
Schedule Changes and Updates:
No major schedule updates.
Over the course of the week we stayed true to our word of meeting up more to discuss and work synchronous on the project. We were able to put together some backup plans for some problems (like using pulley) and discuss important steps for moving forward. Getting things in a good state for the interim demo was a big priority.