This week I wasn’t able to get much done. I was supposed to extend the web application by building a user-friendly display for the accelerometer, gyroscope data + integrating the camera feed into the web application. I had three midterms + other homework due this week, so I wasn’t able to get much done. I made some progress on the display but I was not able to finish that nor the camera feed integrated to the web application. I’m aiming to use the entirety of this Sunday (tomorrow) to finish the work, and our team plans on fully integrating everything tomorrow as well.
Something to note, however, is that after discussions with Professor Kim, we realized that the raw gyroscope and accelerometer data would not be very accurate to display. We thought of doing some sort of meter or “relative” display in order to use this data, but we need to pivot to a better way of utilizing the data to display user recommendations. For now, we were advised not to spend too much time on getting the IMU to work precisely.
For plans in the coming week, we hope to be able to integrate everything together and demo a working version of our project. This will probably involve a lot of debugging and potential modifications to the pool table/metal frame in order to get the computer vision components working as best as possible.