This week, I created an API for the team’s code, and worked on various parts of the design report., and continued working on the physics model. Most of the first week was spent writing the design report, which I will go through in detail in the next few sections of the report. My group members and I didn’t do anything over break, as planned in our schedule.
I mainly focused on two areas of the report – Architecture and Principles of Operation, and Project Management. I spent a decent amount of time on the Architecture and Principles of Operation, and it was crucial for us to present both our hardware and software designs. Thus, I spent quite a bit of time illustrating the system block diagram, mechanical structure of our pool table, and placement of items on our cue stick. Images of those are shown below.
Furthermore, as our codebase gets larger, our code is starting to get a bit convoluted and messy. This might eventually lead to problems in the future when we are trying to integrate our code. Thus, I spent a good amount of time this week brainstorming a software API framework for our team to conform to. Our API framework follows a modal-view-controller architecture. Our high-level model keeps track of items that are constantly changing, such as an array of ball detections, the coordinates of the cue, coordinates of the cue ball, and the IMU information. Each of us will program various subsystems, but most importantly, we are constantly receiving and updating information from our model. The drawing of the predicted trajectory will be “view” functions which do not update the state of the model, and are only used for drawing.
I am currently on schedule for whatever I wanted to accomplish. The physics model’s implementation has been completed, and we are looking to integrate all our components by this week. We will do a full live-video feed process by the end of this week, which makes us slightly ahead of schedule. Then, we will start integrating the IMU data and possibly look into more things like spin detection. But before we go into that, I believe we will spend a lot of time this week calibrating and tweaking the positions of the cameras, projectors, and the pool table to make sure everything looks aligned and meet a portion of our verification metrics.