Over the past 2 weeks, I’ve made a huge amount of progress on the firmware. I created a proper watch UI which displays the time and location, and I did a very rough preliminary test to see how quickly the device acquires a GPS fix after a cold start: in my testing, it was around 10-20 seconds, which is even better than the datasheet claims. After doing that, I implemented a proper buffering solution for the serial data, and expanded the capabilities of the GPS configuration system by rewriting the packet generator.
I’m around on schedule for my tasks. Our original schedule had me not really working on the firmware for a little while after getting it to the state it’s at, but I enjoy adding features so I will probably work ahead while also working on the originally planned tasks.
This upcoming week, I plan to work with Carson and Twain to ensure that our PCB design is finalized and ordered, and then to start on the minimal street map that we plan to have displayed.