What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?
For this week, I finally got the compression code ported over to the EPS32. This means that we now have all the steps that are needed on the remote camera node coded up and working. The remote camera node is now able to take a picture, compress it and then send it over via Wi-Fi to a receiver. Porting this over was significantly harder than I thought since we kept running into issues with the camera driver co-existing with Wi-Fi code. In integrating these two, we kept running into issues where the Wi-Fi sending code would stop transmitting at random intervals which would then incur a packet fragment time to live exceedance error message on the receiver. After a lot of debugging and configuration changes, I was able to solve the issue by making some changes on the encoder side and pinning the Wi-Fi task to core 1, which leaves core 0 free to handle the camera. However, this performance is still on the lower side since we are not limited by the bandwidth to the PSRAM. The PSRAM lives on a QSPI bus that runs at 80MHz. Thus, we are limited to a maximum of 40 MB/s of memory bandwidth and unknown latency. The internal data DRAM is only 320KB of size thus it is not an option for us to store a complete frame buffer. Keep in mind that this PSRAM is shared between LWIP, camera, Wi-Fi, and compression.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be
taken to catch up to the project schedule?
Currently on schedule
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
For next week, I hope to begin integration with the FPGA. This will mostly entail me providing a bunch of test data to Varun which he will then run through the FPGA to make sure that we are in agreement in regards to the data format and algorithm stages