What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of theproject? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans are ready?
For this week, we got all the components fully integrated and running for our project. We were able to get 6 simultaneous streams of 240p video running at 10fps. Everything is working as expected and there are no more work left to do.
The following is a list of unit tests that we have run:
- FPGA JPEG decoding
- DRAM controller timings
- HDMI driver consistency
- OctoSPI peripheral functional and data integrity tests
- Full FPGA end-to-end pipeline testing
- ESP32 Wi-Fi transmission range test
- ESP32 and FPGA subsystem power consumption tests
- ESP32 frame transmission interval consistency test
- ESP32 to FPGA frame interval tests
- ESP32 motion detection test
- Full end-to-end system test