What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
This week I worked on setting up the ESP32 data access points and ensuring that the code I have written in the IDF environment works. This included connecting an ESP32 to my computer, setting up the entire toolchain, figuring out the necessary dependencies and writing code to set up the data access points on the ESP32.
After that, I started to transfer data. At first I wrote code to check if I can open a simple webpage saying “Hello World” based on some online tutorials, and after that I started sending more and more data. I tried to measure the data transfer rate of the ESP32 by sending in large amounts of data in the range 65535 bytes and upwards since that would be what we will be sending in the final product.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
The project is still on schedule.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
For the next week, I plan on finishing up the receiver module by setting up the data access points completely and finding the thresholds of the data transfer rate, also work on other aspects of the project such as the drivers and encoders needed to transfer the data to the FPGA on the receiver node.