This week, I worked on the breadboarding, specifically getting the RFID module to turn on. A problem we are running into when trying to breadboard it is that since data in, reset, and power ports are all right next to each other, so it is hard for them all to stay in place while testing. There is also an issue with calibrating the RFID reader, since the datasheet is not very comprehensible and not much documentation is available elsewhere. However, the parts we have are compatible so it will just take some more time in order to get it finally working. Furthermore, while trying to design how we would make the ring, Tamal informed us that using metal to cover up the RFID ring may not be reliable in terms of distance and actually shorting the signal. He suggested we revert back to the button, where we short the RFID tag. We are behind, but I believe we can have something prsentable for the interim demo.