the most significant risks right now for the project are delivery time on the PCB and whether our current iteration of the PCB and system will function properly. We have spent an extensive amount of time this week on making sure that our parts are compatible and will function as intended. We are making sure 100% because it’s more important for the PCB to be correct than for it to be earlier but not quite correct.
We made some adjustments to the parts such as a new cellular chip with GPS and antenna included (Old one was less integrated, and more difficult to work with the PCB we are ordering), voltage dividers (to have the 11v battery supply all the various modules), and a new microphone (old one was analog, so transcription would not possible). We are also picking a smaller RFID Tag, since covering it up will be difficult with the current one we have (it’s too big).
No major updates to the project schedule. PCB is not quite on time, but will be ordered very soon.