Anika’s Status Report for 3/9

The week before spring break I spent a lot of time working on our Design Report and in doing so now have a better understanding of how to articulate our project and our goals to our audience as well as explain certain decisions we made throughout our design process. I also spent a lot of time based on feedback from the design review creating a concise block diagram to very clearly visually explain how each sub-component of the overall product works together and the flow of alerting SOS. Progress on the companion app remains the same as I am still looking into how to save information (from our trigger settings) and pass it back through pages for the companion app so we can use that information and pass it to our actual jewelry device, as well as researching packages for acquiring GPS location for setting the location radius triggers. Through working on the design report we have also have a more complete list of parts so I am working on finding their part files/a way for me to put those parts into our pcb design.

In the next week I hope to have information on how to achieve the 2 companion app features and make progress on our pcb design.


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